Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al-14Wt%Ni-14wt%Mm Alloy Powders Consolidated by Extrusion
홍순직 , 김형섭 , 이홍로 , 천병선 Soon Jik Hong , Hyung Seop Kim , Hong Ro Lee , Byong Sun Chun
In this study, Al-Ni-Mm (Mm=misch metal) alloy has been fabricated by a high pressure gas atomization technique and consolidated by a powder extrusion method. The gas atomized powders showed mixed structures of amorphous matrix, fcc-Al phases and intermetallics particles. Each phase shows different size and quantity with different size of the powders due to the higher cooling rate of the finer atomized powders. Because of the difference of the microstructure, the powders with the different size show differences of the mechanical properties of the atomized powders and extrudates. That is, because of the fine microstructure the extrudate from the fine powders shows higher strength and elongation than that from the coarse powders. The white bands which are appeared in the extrudates are examined, and the origin is analyzed.