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Vol.36, No.11, 1899 ~ 2026, 1998
Joint - Syposium on Fine - Grained Materials by the Phase Transformation Committee ( Eighth ) and the Ferrous Metallurgy Committee ( Second ) : Grain Growth and Modeling ; Microstructural Evolution of Mechanically Milled (Ti52Al48)100-xBx Alloys
정현호 , 표성규 , 김상혁 , 황승준 , 김낙준 H . H . Chung , Sung G . Pyo , Sang H . Kim , S . J . Hwang , Nack J . Kim
The main objective of this study is to investigate the microstructural evolution during mechanical milling of prealloyed (Ti_(52)Al_(48))_(100-x)B_x powders and also to investigate the effects of B contents and heat treatment on the microstructure of mechanically milled TiAl alloys. Microstructure of binary Ti_(52)Al_(48) Powders consists of grains of hexagonal phase whose structure is very close to Ti₂Al. (Ti_(52)Al_(48))_(95)B_5 powders contain TiB₂ in addition to matrix grains of hexagonal phase. The grain sizes in the as-milled powders of both alloys are nanocrystalline. The mechanically alloyed powders were consolidated by vacuum hot pressing (VHP) at 1000℃ for 2 hours, resulting in a material which is fully dense. Microstructure of consolidated binary alloy consists of γ-TiAl phase with dispersions of Ti₂AlN and A1₂O₃ phases located along the grain boundaries. Binary alloy shows a significant coarsening in grain and dispersoid sizes. On the other hand, microstructure of B containing alloy consists of γ-TiAl grains with fine dispersions of TiB₂ within the grains and shows the minimal coarsening during annealing.
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