Separation of Indium and Gallium in Sulfuric Acid Solutions
이만승 , 이응조 Man Seung Lee , Eung Cho Lee
Solvent extraction and stripping experiments had been performed to separate indium and gallium in sulfuric acid solutions. In extraction, nearly 99% of indium in the mixed solutions could be extracted to the organic phase with the stoichiometric concentration of D₂EHPA in the experimental ranges. It was found that kerosene as a diluent was superior to benzene in respect of loading capacity. In stripping experiments of the loaded organic phase with acid solutions, the stripping percentage of indium decreased from 95% to 5% with pH, while separation factors increased with the pH of the stripping solutions. From simulation experiments for the multistage counter-current extraction, the possibility of nearly perfect separation of indium and gallium was obtained by a two-stage extraction of aqueous feed with a solvent in which the concentration of D₂EHPA was maintained at the stoichiometric ratio to the concentration of indium.