Combustion Kinetics and NO and SO2 Emission Behavior of Coke Pellet Mixed with Lime / Limestone
이만승 Man Seung Lee
Experiments for the combustion of coke pellet mixed with lime and limestone had been performed to investigate the combustion kinetics and NO and SO₂ emission behavior between 700℃ and 1300℃ under pure oxygen atmosphere. Intrinsic rate constants for the combustion of C, N and S were obtained from thermogravimetry and gas analysis data. The amounts of SO₂ reduced by lime were nearly 99% below 1100℃ and decreased to about 75% at 1300℃. Limestone as a sorbent for SO₂ was found to be superior to lime because the calcined lime was more active in reaction with SO₂ than lime. Pelletizing coke with lime/limestone had negligible effect on reducing the amounts of NO during combustion of coke pellet in the experimental ranges. The combustion kinetics of coke pellet mixed with lime/limestone was nearly same as that of coke in pellet made from pure coke.