Study on the characteristic of linear heat treatment using halogen lamp heating system - (1) In case of Si wafer -
이진우 , 홍순민 , 강춘식 Jin Woo Lee , Soon Min Hong , Choon Sik Kang
Halogen lamp ZMR(Zone-Melting-Recrystallization) system was examined to evaluate the radial temperature distribution on the surface of a Si wafer. To measure the temperature change on the surface, PR thermocouples were directly contacted at the various points on a wafer surface. It was proved experimentally that the thermal distribution could be approximated as a Gaussian or a cosine function. Uniform heating of the entire wafer surface was difficult due to the heat conduction from the wafer circumference to ambient without any heat absorber beneath the wafer. Heat transfer mode was changed abruptly at about 400℃ and the hot zone was formed on the surface.