Monte - Carlo Simulation of the Effect of Initial Grain Size on Grain Growth and Texture Evolution
이효남 , 장석태 , 류회수 , 황선근 Hyo Nam Lee , Suk Tae Chang , Hoi Soo Ryoo , Sun Keun Hwang
The effect of the initial grain size on grain growth and texture evolution was studied by the Monte-Carlo simulation with a condition of isotropic grain boundary energy and mobility. The initial microstructure was composed of six different texture components which were classified by the grain size. It was shown that the texture component of smaller grains and/or grains with less number of sides than those of the average grains disappeared at the early stage of growth regardless of its initial areal fraction. Shrinking of the small grains reduced drastically the total energy of the system but it did not affect the grain growth kinetics. The texture components possessed by the larger grains sharpened continuously during growth with their intensity proportional to the areal fraction.