The importance of textures for physical and technological properties of materials was recognized during the last years. The exact quantitative analysis of texture was given in the form of the correct pole figures. In order to estimate the effect of the intensity correction of the pole figures on the texture analysis, ODF-analysis prediction of the properties were carried out with the simulated pole figures including the intensity incorrectness which can be caused by defocusing, absorption and mis-adjustment. If the incorrectness of the intensity is small, the ODF-analysis can be determined within 10% errors without intensity correction. It depends not only on the size of slits or collimator and the diffraction angle but also on the type of texture. In the case of the β-fiber type texture of fcc metals, the analysis was carried successfully out with the {111}, {200} and {220} pole figures which were measured up to 70°tilt-angle and not corrected the perversion of intensity. In the case of the (α+γ)-fiber type texture of bcc metals, the analysis was carried successfully out with the corrected {110}, {200} and {211} pole. figures which were measured up to 75°tilt-angle. |