
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.36, No.9, 1375 ~ 1382, 1998
Effects of Heat Treatment Conditions and Amount of Cold Swaging on Mechanical Properties of Continuously Cast Cu-9Ni-6Sn Alloys
류재철 , 김상식 , 정윤철 , 한승전 , 김정윤철 , 한승전 , 김창주 J . C . Rhu , S . S . Kim , Y . C . Chung , S . Z . Han , C . J . Kim
In the present study, tensile properties of continuously cast and swaged Cu-9Ni-6Sn alloys were examined. Solutionized and aged Cu-9Ni-6Sn alloys, with 95% swaging, showed a multi-stage change in tensile strength with aging time, probably due to the sequential occurrence of spinodal decomposition, formation of γ` and recrystallization. The change in tensile strength with aging time for the aged specimens without solution heat treatment was, on the other hand, minimal. A complex interaction between the decrease in dislocation density, formation of equilibrium phases and refinement of Sn-rich phases is believed to be responsible for such a lean sensitivity. Spinodal decomposition in Cu-Ni-Sn alloys appears to be restricted with increasing the amount of cold deformation.
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