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Vol.37, No.1, 70 ~ 76, 1999
Surface Treatment / Microstructure of Galvanized Steel in Ni Added Galvanizing Bath
기회봉 , 이경구 , 이도재 Whei Bong Ghi , Kyung Ku Lee , Doh Jae Lee
The microstructure of galvanized steel in Ni containing galvanizing bath have been investigated. An Al-killed steel plate containing low Si was used as substrate for galvanizing. The size of spangle and alloyed layer were observed under an optical microscope, SEM and EDS. The spangles of galvanized steel in Zn bath appeared to be "regular", while those of the galvanized in Zn-0.1Ni bath appeared to be "minimized" with higher brightness. The alloyed layer of galvanized steel in Zn-Ni bath were thinner than the one galvanized in Zn bath. The reduction of alloyed layer by addition of Ni in Zn bath was due to the formation of Zn-Fe-Ni compounds which act as a diffusion barrier of Fe-Zn at the ζ-(η-Zn) boundary.
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