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Vol.42, No.2, 127 ~ 135, 2004
Texture Variation and Deformation Twinning in Zr-2.5%Nb Alloy by Rolling
김성수 Kim Seong Su , 정용무 Jeong Yong Mu , 김영석 Kim Yeong Seog
Recently, it is proved that delayed hydride cracking(DHC) is accompanied by deformation twinning through the texture analysis of a fracture surface. Thus, in order to understand the operation of deformation twinning with regard to deformation, texture variations with strain by cross rolling were investigated using Zr-2.5%Nb alloy with (1120)<1010> texture. Deformation twinning occurred predominantly in the range of 5-15% strain by rolling. It is appeared that the amount of deformation twinning was dependent on the direction of the rolling plane. The basal poles were rotated to the direction normal to rolling plane with strain. A (0002) texture was fully reversed after 15% of strain. The reason for the change texture was identified to be the operation of (1012) and (1121) twinning systems through the analysis of inverse pole figure, mainly. It appeared that the easiness of twinning operation was affected by the relationship between the direction of major strain and the twinning shear and by the orientation and/or distribution of neighboring grains. The contribution of the deformation twinning to the amount of strain by rolling was quantitatively calculated using change in basal pole components.
Key Words
Texture, Inverse pole figure, Deformation twinning, Deformation mechanism, Zr-2.5%Nb alloy
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