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Vol.42, No.1, 7 ~ 14, 2004
Evaluation of Microstructural Charecteristics and Corrosion Properties of Intermediate Products in Manufacturing Process of Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cladding
김선기 Kim Seon Gi , 박정용 Park Jeong Yong , 정용환 Jeong Yong Hwan
Microstructural characteristics and corrosion properties were evaluated for the intermediate products in the manufacturing process of advanced nuclear fuel cladding tubes containing high Nb. The microstructures of the intermediate products at each manufacturing steps were found to be almost identical due to the same annealing condition. The precipitates observed in the intermedate products were β-Nb and Zr₃Fe-type precipitate containing Nb. Texture measurement reveals that the (0002) pole intensity in the radial direction increased as the manufacturing step proceeded. It was found that the corrosion behavior was not significantly affected by the texture but highly dependent on the annealing temperature. Therefore, it is indicated that the corrosion behavior of Zr alloy containing Nb more than solubility was controlled mainly by the Nb contents and the Nb-containing precipitates.
Key Words
Zr alloys, Manufacturing process, Precipitate, Texture, Corrosion
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