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Vol.41, No.12, 884 ~ 889, 2003
TEM Microstructure and Crystallization Behavior of Fe Nanopowders Fabricated by Chemical Vapor Condensation
김택수 Kim Taeg Su , 이희정 Lee Hui Jeong , 오익현 O Ig Hyeon , 한재길 Han Jae Gil , 최철진 Choe Cheol Jin , 이병택 Lee Byeong Taeg
Iron and iron nitride nanoparticles were synthesized by chemical vapor condensation (CVC) process, using a precursor of Fe(CO)_(5) and carrier gas of NH₃. Phase change and crystallization behaviors of as received particles were mainly examined by TEM technique. Only α-Fe nanoparticles were formed at the lowest decomposition temperature of 500℃. As the temperature increased, the crystallization of α-Fe nanoparticles was suppressed and Fe₃N nanoparticles were begun to be formed. Finally full crystallization of Fe₃N was observed at 1000℃. Typical size of the α-Fe and Fe₃N particles was less than 30 nm in diameter.
Key Words
Chemical vapor condensation, Fe3N nanoparticles, HRTEM microstructure, Crystallization behavior
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