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Vol.41, No.12, 821 ~ 827, 2003
Effect of He-Injection on Irradiation Damage in Heat Affected Zone of Welded STS304
배동수 Bae Dong Su
The heat affected zone (HAZ) of welded STS304 has been irradiated by using three irradiation modes of electron-beam irradiation, electron-beam irradiation after He-injection and electron/He ion dual-beam irradiation in 1250 kV high voltage electron microscope (HVEM) connected with an ion accelerators to study the effect of Heinjection on microstructural evolution. The size of voids increases considerably and their distribution is a bi-mode shape, when electron-beam is irradiated after He-injection. Void swelling percentage is largest in the case of electronbeam irradiation after He-injection. In cases of electron/He^(+)-ion dual-beam and electron-beam irradiation after Heinjection, the amount of grain boundary segregation is suppressed when compared with the case of electron-beam irradiation.
Key Words
Irradiation damage, He-injection, STS304, High voltage electron microscope, Heat affected zone
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