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Vol.41, No.11, 729 ~ 737, 2003
Precipitation Behavior of Sc and Zr in Severe Plastic Deformed Al
민복기 Min Bog Gi , 김형욱 Kim Hyeong Ug , 강석봉 Kang Seog Bong
The elements of Sc and Zr were added to pure Al for improving thermal stability and refining grain size. Sc was presented on boundaries and Zr dominantly on matrix in as cast state. After homogenization treatment, Sc was dissolved mostly but Zr retained in matrix; though the two elements were presented on the same location in Al-Sc-Zr alloy. Semi-coherent Al₃Sc in Sc added alloy was precipitated during severe plastic deformation, and shown (001)_(matrix)//(001)_(Al₃Sc) orientation relationship with matrix. Al₃Zr in as cast Zr added alloy was shown the orientation relationship (011)_(matrix)//(100)_(Al₃Zr), and partially retained and dissolved with increasing deformation. In the Al-Sc-Zr alloy, retained Al₃Zr had the role of nucleation site for Al-Sc precipitates so that Al₃Zr mainly coexist with Al-Sc precipitates.
Key Words
Accumulative Roll Bonding, ARB, Scandium, Zirconium, Precipitate, Orientation relationship
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