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Vol.41, No.9, 562 ~ 570, 2003
Effect of Ampoule Rotation on Segregation Behavior of Terfenol-D in Vertical Bridgman Growth
김종철 Kim Jong Cheol , 박원제 Park Won Je , 이진형 Lee Jin Hyeong , 예병준 Ye Byeong Jun
In this study, we investigated the segregation behavior of Terfenol-D in vertical Bridgman growth with steady ampoule rotation. In Bridgman growth of Terfenol-D, the axial macrosegregation occurs due to the compositional inhomogeneity of initial melt and microsegregation due to the Tb-Dy-Fe ternary phase diagram. Because the melt segregation which causes axial macrosegregation was hard to diminish by buoyant or solutal convection, we introduced the steady ampoule rotation technique to change the flow pattern and investigated the influence of the intensity of melt stirring on segregation behavior. The results showed that as the rotation speed was increased, axial segregation and microsegregation were both diminished. Besides, both segregation were also affected by the growth rate so that its effect was discussed.
Key Words
Bridgman method, Terfenol-D, Segregation, Steady ampoule rotation, Convection
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