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Vol.41, No.9, 557 ~ 562, 2003
A Study on the Identification of Metal/Mold Reaction Product of Ti Investment Casting
성시영 Seong Si Yeong , 김명균 Kim Myeong Gyun , 김영직 Kim Yeong Jig
The aim of the present study is to investigate the alpha-case formation mechanism between titanium melts and Al₂O₃mold during investment casting of titanium alloys. The metal/mold reaction products of titanium castings were investigated by optical microscope, microhardness profile, EPMA and XRD analysis. In this study, the mechanism of alpha-case formation was verified with thermodynamic calculations. The reaction of only TiO₂interstitial alpha-case formation could not occur spontaneously, on the basis of thermodynamic calculations. From the results of the experimental and thermodynamic calculations, the alpha-case is the reaction products of interstitial oxygen and the substitutional atoms dissolved from the mold materials with titanium, and then this reaction is spontaneous process.
Key Words
Titanium casting, Investment casting, Metal/mold reaction, Alpha-case
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