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Vol.41, No.9, 551 ~ 557, 2003
Effect of Rotation Angle on Creep Rupture Properties of Transient Liquid Phase Bonded Joints of Ni-Base Single Crystal Superalloy
김대업 Kim Dae Eob
The effect of rotating angle on creep rupture properties of transient liquid phase (TLP) bonded joints at elevated temperature of Ni base single crystal superalloy CMSX-2 was investigated using MBF-80 as a insert metal. The rotating angle was defined by <100> twist angle at bonded interface. The post-bonded heat treatment, consisting of the solution treatment and sequential two-step aging, was carried out in the Ar or vacuum atmosphere prior to creep rupture testing. Creep rupture properties of joints were comparable to those of base metal in case of the rotating angles less than 3 degree while drastically fell down with increasing the rotating angle more than 5 degree. The grain boundary energy and oxygen content at bonded interface increased with increasing the rotating angle. Creep rupture properties of joints could be improved with lowering the oxygen partial pressure during post bonded heat treatment attributed to the restraint of grain boundary oxidation of bonded interface.
Key Words
Ni base single crystal, TLP bonding, Creep rupture properties, Rotating angle, Grain boundary energy, Grain boundary oxidation
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