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Vol.41, No.6, 377 ~ 383, 2003
Development of a Pyrometallurgical Process for Recovering Precious Metals simultaneously from Used Printed Circuit Boards and Spent Autocatalysts
김병수 Byung Su Kim , 이재천 Jae Chun Lee , 서승필 Seoung Pil Seo
In the world large amount of used printed circuit boards (PCBs) and spent autocatalysts which contain precious metals have been emitted. However, processes which can recover the precious metals simultaneously from them have not been developed yet. In this study a new process for recovering the precious metals contained in the used PCBs and spent autocatalyst by a pyrometallurgical process simultaneously was developed. The distinguish of that is to use copper, tin, and iron contained in the used PCBs as collector metals of the precious metals contained in the used PCBs and spent autocatalysts. Advantages of the process suggested are simply and economic compared with the previous processes which could recover the precious metals from the used PCBs and spent autocatalysts, respectively. Using the suggested process the precious metals such as Au, Pd, and Pt contained in the used PCBs and spent autocatalyst could be recovered up to 95 % in Cu alloy phase.
Key Words
Precious metals, Printed circuit bords, PCBs, Autocatalysts, Recycling, Collector metals
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