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Vol.41, No.6, 369 ~ 377, 2003
Determination of Flow Curve for Flip-chip Solder Balls Based on FE Modeling of Thermal Displacements Measured by ESPI
이백우 Baik Woo Lee , 김주영 Ju Young Kim , 나재웅 Jae Woong Nah , 백경욱 Kyung Wook Paik , 권동일 Dong Il Kwon
The goal of this study was to determine the uniaxial flow curve for solder balls in a flip-chip from experimental-computational algorithms based on finite element modeling (FEM) of in-plane thermal displacement data measured by electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI). In order to measure the deformation of such tiny components as the solder balls in the flip-chip, the spatial resolution of ESPI was increased to submicron scale by magnifying the areas studied. The flow curve for solder balls in the flip-chip was determined by the algorithm, which effectively matches the simulated solder deformation by FEM to the measured deformation by ESPI. The algorithms were applied to Sn-36Pb-2Ag flip-chip solder balls. The flow curve obtained for flip-chip solder was compared with those for bulk solder. The microstructure was also studied to clarify the flow curve results.
Key Words
Flip-chip, Electronic speckle pattern interferometry, ESPI, Finite element modeling, FEM, Flow curve, Bulk solder, Reliability
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