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Vol.41, No.3, 186 ~ 196, 2003
Ultrasonic Characteristics of Base and Welded Metal of STS316L
남기우 Ki Woo Nam , 박소순 So Soon Park , 안석환 Seok Hwan Ahn
The degradation characteristics of the base metal and weld of STS316L were investigated by the experimental method of ultrasonic exposure with parameters such as ultrasonic velocity, attenuation factor and frequency. Through this research, degradation characteristics could be evaluated by the combinations of experimental ultrasonic parameters. According to the increase of grain sizes, standard deviation and ferrite contents, the ultrasonic velocities and frequencies were decreased, while the ultrasonic attenuation factors were increased. This results can be to predict the welded structures life time assesmant according to the aged degradation and damage without disjointing or stopping in-service.
Key Words
STS316L we1dment, Ultrasonic velocity, Attenuation factor, Short time fourier transformation, Time- frequency analysis, Degradation
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