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Vol.40, No.11, 1173 ~ 1183, 2002
Effects of Nb Contents and Final Annealing Temperatures on the Corrosion Characteristics of Nb-containing Zr Alloys
김영화 Young Hwa Kim , 백종혁 Jong Hyuk Baek , 정용환 Yong Hwan Jeong
The effects of Nb content and final annealing temperature on the corrosion characteristics of the advanced Zr-based alloys for nuclear fuel cladding materials (A : Zr-1.5Nb-0.4Sn-FeCr, B : Zr-1.5Nb-0.4Sn-FeCr, C : Zr-0.4Nb-0.8Sn-FeCrCu) were evaluated in water and LiOH solution at 360℃, and in steam at 400℃, respectively. The corrosion test revealed that the C alloy, which contains Nb content less than its solubility, shows the best corrosion resistance among the which alloys is related to the difference in the size and distribution of precipitates of the alloys and the formation of β-Zr phase after the final annealing at 700℃.
Key Words
Zr, Zr alloys, Solubility, Corrosion, Precipitate
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