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Vol.40, No.11, 1150 ~ 1156, 2002
Synthesis of WC Powder from the Mixture of WO3 and Carbon by SHS Process
이종현 Jong Hyeon Lee , 이승영 Seung Young Lee , 윤여훈 Yeo Hun Yoon , 원창환 Chang Whan Won
WC powder was synthesized from WO_3 by Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis process(SHS). The effects of carbon, mole ratio of reducing agent, mole ratio of carbon, and pellet size were investigated in the present study. By optimizing the synthesis conditions, it was possible to fabricate WC powders without secondary phases such as W, W_2C. To remove residual impurities and free carbon, acid leaching and roasting were carried out. Microstructural, compositional and structural characterization of products were done by Scanning Electron Microscope(SEM), ICP and X-Ray Diffractometer, respectively.
Key Words
SHS process, WC, Carbon, Acid leaching
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