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Vol.40, No.11, 1135 ~ 1141, 2002
Precipitation Behavior of Laves Phase in 10Cr-6W Ferritic Heat-resistant Steels
강창룡 Chang Yong Kang , 주동원 Dong Won Joo , 성장현 Jang Hyun Sung , 김익수 Ick Soo Kim , 배동수 Dong Su Bea , 관원일재 Miyahara Kazuya
This study investigated the effect of aging treatment, Co addition and stress on the precipitation of Laves phase in 10Cr-6W ferritic heat-resistant steel for ultra-super critical pressure power generating plants. The hardness change during the aging treatment has shown two peaks. Ductility and toughness rapidly decreased by the very fine disk-like Laves phase precipitates at initial stage of aging. As aging time gets longer, Laves phase has precipitation, which brings out strength`s increase, on the other hand elongation and impact value decrease. Content of Laves phase precipitates increased with addition of Co. The stress during the aging enhanced the Laves phase precipitates, and content of Laves phase precipitates and particle numbers per unite area enlarged by increasing of stress.
Key Words
Laves phase, Ferritic heat-resistant steel, High temperature strength, Aging, Strss effect
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