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Vol.40, No.10, 1055 ~ 1062, 2002
Research papers / Mechanical Behaviors : Effects of Sn Morphology on the Friction and Wear Characteristics of Al - Sn Alloys
이정근Jeong Keun Lee,주대헌Dae Heon Joo,김문현Moon Hyun Kim,김명호Myung Ho Kim
Effects of Sn morphology on the friction and wear characteristics of Al-Sn alloys were investigated by using the tribology tester, optical microscope and scanning electron microscope. Three different types of Sn morphologies named elongated, small network and large network structure were obtained by cladding and heat treatment. Wear resistance of the specimen having large network structure exhibited better anti-friction characteristics compare to that of the elongated structure. Also specific wear rate and friction coefficient decreased markedly with change of Sn morphology from elongated to large network structure. Abrasive and adhesive wear occurred for the elongated structure, while oxidation wear was observed for the network structure.
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