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Vol.40, No.9, 924 ~ 932, 2002
Mechanical Behaviors : Fatigue Crack Propagation Behavior and Acoustic Emission Characteristics of the Heat Affected Zone of Super Duplex Stainless Steel
도재윤Jae Yoon Do,김진환Jin Hwan Kim,안석환Seok Hwan Ahn,박인덕In Duck Park,강창용Chang Yong Kang,남기우Ki Woo Nam
Because duplex stainless steel shows the good strength and corrosion resistance properties, the necessity of duplex stainless steel, which has long life in severe environments, has been increased with industrial development. The fatigue crack propagation behavior of heat affected zone(HAZ) has been inrestigated in super duplex stainless steel. The fatigue crack propagation rate of HAZ of super duplex stainless steel was faster than that of base metal of super duplex stainless steel. We also analysed acoustic emission signals during the fatigue test with time-frequency analysis method. According to the results of time-frequency analysis, the frequency ranges of 200-400 kHz were obtained by striation and the frequency range of 500 kHz was obtained due to dimple and separate of inclusion.
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