Abstract |
This study is concerned with the analysis of fracture toughness in the transition region of a Mn-Mo-Ni low-alloy steel according to ASTM E1921 standard test method. Elastic-plastic cleavage fracture toughness, K_Jc was determined by 3-point bend tests, using precracked Charpy V-notch (PCVN) specimens, and then the measured K_Jc, values were interpreted by the 3-parameter Weibull distribution with a theoretical slope of 4. Fractographic observation indicated that the critical distance from a precrack tip to a cleavage initiation site linearly increased with increasing the critical J(J_c) value, and that the stretch zone width had a good correlation with K_Jc value, irrespective of testing temperature. Relationship between J_c and critical distance, local fracture stress, and plane strain fracture toughness were discussed on the basis of the cleavage fracture behavior in the transition temperature region. |
Key Words |
Mn-Mo-Ni low - alloy steel , ASTM E1921 stand test method , Elastic - plastic cleavage fracture toughness , Weibull distribution , Critical distance , Stretch zone width |