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Vol.40, No.8, 831 ~ 839, 2002
Research Papers / Mechanical Behaviors : The Effects of Mn Contents on the Formation of Intermetallic Compounds and Extrudability in 3000 Aluminum Alloys
김명한Myung Han Kim,조형호Hyung Ho Jo,이갑호Gap Ho Lee
The effect of Mn contents in 3000 aluminum alloys on formation of intermetallic compounds and extrusion pressure was investigated. The eutectic intermetallic compounds α-Al(Fe, Mn) Si were precipitated when Mn was added in the range of 0.3-1.5 wt.% in 3000 aluminum alloys. The concentration of Mn in the eutectic intermetallic compounds was increased with the increase of Mn addition. Also, the primary intermetallic compound of Al_6(Fe, Mn), which Mn atoms were replaced completely by Si atoms, was precipitated in the addition of 1.5 wt.% Mn. The TEM analysis represents that the eutectic intermetallic compounds have bee structures and primary intermetallic compounds has rhombohedral structure. The amounts of intermetallic compounds were increased with the amounts of precipitated compounds, resulting in the increase of yield stress as well as extrusion pressure.
Key Words
Intermetallic compounds , α-A1(Fe , Mn)Si , Al6(Fe , Mn) , Extrusion pressure
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