Effects of Sn content on the corrosion behavior of Zr-xSn (x=0.2.0 wt.%) binary alloys were investigated through the corrosion test at 360℃ in pure water and LiOH solution containing 2.2, 30, 70 and 220 ppm Li. Corrosion behavior of Zr-xSn binary alloys was found to be highly dependent on Sn content and test environment. Corrosion resistance decreased with Sn content in pure water, but it increased with Sn content in LiOH solution. In the case of oxidation in pure water, Sn was thought to play an important role in transformation of grain morphology from columnar grain to equiaxed grain and of crystal structure from tetragonal to monoclinic. In the case of oxidation in LiOH solution, however, the porous equiaxed grain with monoclinic structure was mainly observed in the oxide of low Sn alloys and the columnar grain with tetragonal structure in the oxide of high Sn alloys, which showed the superior corrosion resistance. From the results obtained, it is suggested that the stability of columnar grain with tetragonal structure was maintained in high Sn alloys because the Li diffusion in oxide was effectively inhibited by Sn. |