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Vol.40, No.5, 545 ~ 550, 2002
Electronic , Magnetic & Optical Materials / Dependency Analysis of Si Wafer Crystallographic Orientation and Background Intensity for Synchrotron Radiation Excited Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy
허병국Byung Kook Huh,이희석Hee Seok Lee,신남수Nam Su Shin,김재성Jae Song Kim,구양모Yang Mo Koo
Synchrotron radiation based total reflection X-ray fluorescence(SR-TXRF) has extremely low background signal. The detection limit can be lowered by minimizing background intensity. We show that the background intensity depends very much on the crystallographic orientation of Si wafer and the conditions that make the background intensity maximum are the one in which the diffracted X-rays from the wafer come into the Si(Li)detector. In our experiment, the background with maximum intensity was made at the azimuthal angle of 9.5˚ and 80.5˚. At that azimuthal angle, the diffracted X-rays from (113) and (113) planes come into the Si(Li)detector. And we investigate the mechanism how the diffracted X-rays which come into the Si(Li)detector make the background intensity maximum. When the diffracted X-rays from the wafer come into the detector, most of the photoelectron bremsstrahlung enters the detector and the background intensity becomes maximum. We calculate angular distribution of bremsstrahlung when diffracted X-rays come into the Si(Li)detector. By using the methods introduced in this thesis, the crystallographic orientation of Si wafer can be optimized in TXRF analysis.
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