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Vol.40, No.5, 478 ~ 484, 2002
Mechanical Behaviors / Effect of Combined Addition of N and Nb on the High Temperature Behavior of a 25Cr-20Ni Stainless Steel
박인덕In Duck Park,남기우Ki Woo Nam
In order to clarify the effect of precipitates on creep strength at high temperature in 25Cr-20Ni stainless steels, threshold stress and void-hardening stress have been measured and compared each others. The value of threshold stress for high temperature, measured by stress abruptly loading test, is about 130 MPa. Threshold stress must be measured by the function of stress loading time in the combination hardening steel of solution hardening and precipitate hardening. Average diameter and inter-partial distance of precipitates from TEM microstructure can determine void-hardening stress. The value of void-hardening stress, evaluated by using Scattergood and Bacon`s equation, was from 101 to 130 MPa. The ratio of average void hardening to threshold stress is 1.13 and both values are not equal. The result from analyzing the electron diffraction pattern shows that the dispersed precipitates in SUS310J1TB is NbCrN nitrides. Mechanism of the interaction between dislocations and precipitate particles in SUS310J1TB is Srolovitz mechanism, which is a gravitation-type interaction.
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