Research Papers / Electronic , Magnetic & Optical Materials : Magnetic Properties and Crystalline Structures of Fe21Ni79 Nanowire Arrays
이관희Kwan Hyi Lee,이우영Woo Young Lee,이화영Hwa Young Lee,정원용Won Young Jeung
Fe_21Ni_79 nanowire arrays have been fabricated by the electroforming method using AAO(anodic aluminum oxide) as a template, which was prepared by anodizing the pure aluminum foil. According to the magnetic property of Fe_21Ni_79 nanowire prepared, it was found to have the coercivity more than 1 kOe due to the shape anisotropy and squareness(Mr/Ms) very close to 1. Especially, it could be noted that Fe_21Ni_79 nanowire showed the preferred crystallographic orientation of (220). Annealing treatment of Fe_21Ni_79 nanowire at 500℃ resulted in the enhancement of coercivity by 18% while the squareness was not varied by annealing treatment. However, the random orientation of Fe_21Ni_79 disk and the preferred orientation of nanowire arrays were maintained without respect to the annealing treatment up to 500℃.