Research Papers / Electronic , Magnetic & Optical materials : A Study on the Change of Resistivity and Point Defects in FZ silicon Wafer Induced with Neutron Irradiation
이운섭Woon Seob Lee,유근걸Kun Kul Ryoo
The effect of irradiation damage on FZ silicon crystal properties has been studied by electrical measurements. 4 FZ silicon wafers of high resistivity of 1000∼2000Ω-㎝ with (100) orientation were irradiated with thermal neutron fluences of 1.815E18/㎠ and 6.406E18/㎠ by HANARO nuclear reactor to compare resistivity, point defect due to fluence differences. SRP results showed that the obtained resistivities approached to the designed ones. Point defect generation due to irradiation was observed using FTIR and DLTS. In the case of Si-1, two point defects were observed at 100 K and 230 K and they were named E_l and E_2. The sample of Si-2 had four point defects which were included two point defects of Si-1 sample. The two point defects of Si-2 were measured at 125K(E_4) and 300K(E_3). The point defects which were E_2 and E_3 were first observed in this study.