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Vol.40, No.2, 230 ~ 237, 2002
Pyrometallurgy : Desulfurization Reaction with MgO Saturated CaO-SiO2-Al2O3-CaF2 slag
심상철Sang Chul Shim,이계영Kae Young Lee,김기성Ki Sung Kim
In order to produce low sulfur steel, an optimum ladle slag composition was investigated as a function of CaO/Al_2O_3 (mass%) ratio and (T.Fe+MnO) content of the ladle slag. The effects of CaF_2 addition and ladle slag recycling on the desulfurization rate were also studied. An optimum value of CaO/Al_2O_3 ratio for desulfurization was 1.6∼1.7 and desulfurization reaction was enhanced when T.Fe + MnO was less than 1 mass%. The desulfurization rate constant (K) increase by the increase in the CaO/Al_2O_3 (mass%/mass%) ratio until 1.7 and it decrease afterward. However, desulfurization rate constant (K) did not show decreasing trend over 1.7 (CaO/Al_2O_3 ratio) when recycled ladle slag or CaF_2 was added.
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