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Vol.40, No.2, 183 ~ 189, 2002
Mechanical Behaviors : Effects of HIPping on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Investment Cast A356 Aluminum Alloys
김낙준Nack J . Kim,이민하Min Ha Lee,김재중Jae Joong Kim,김경훈Kyung Hoon Kim,이성학Sung Hak Lee,이의휘Eui W . Lee
The effects of HIPping on high-cycle fatigue properties of investment cast A356 Al alloys were investigated in this study. Tensile and high-cycle fatigue tests were conducted for cast alloys, two of which were HIPped, and then the test data were analyzed in relation with microstructures, tensile and fracture properties, and fatigue fracture mode. Eutectic Si particles were homogeneously dispersed in the matrix of the cast A356 Al alloys, but there were many large pores formed as cast defects. The high-cycle fatigue results indicated that fatigue strength of the HIPped alloys was higher than that of the non-HIPped alloys because of the significant reduction in volume fraction of pores by HiPping. In the non-HIPped specimens, fatigue cracks initiated at large pores adjacent to the specimen surface and then propagated down to several hundreds micrometers depth while coalescing with other large pores. On the other hand, the HIPped specimens, where pores did not affect the fatigue substantially, fatigue cracks propagated along eutectic Si particles formed at solidification cell boundaries, thereby showing improved fatigue strength by 40∼50% over the non-HIPped specimens.
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