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Vol.40, No.1, 8 ~ 14, 2002
Tranformations : Stress and Strain Mode Effects on Strain Induced Martensite Transformation in TRIP - Aided Cold - Rolled Steel Sheets
임동빈Dong Bin Im,이창길Chang Gil Lee,김성준Sung Joon Kim,박익민Ik Min Park
The main emphasis of the present study has been placed on understanding of the effects of applied stress and strain modes on the behavior of strain induced martensite transformation in relation to formablity and mechanical properties of TRIP-aided cold-rolled steel sheets. Two kinds of cold-rolled steel sheets were prepared, and uniaxial tensile test and plane strain tensile test were conducted. Under the plane strain condition, strain induced martensite transformation was retarded than that under uniaxial tensile condition, and the rate of martensite transformation was decreased at the same major strain. This may be inferred from the fact that the applied shear stress and shear strain on test specimen under the plane strain condition was lower than under the uniaxial tensile condition. The difference of stress or strain mode plays an important role against the change of strain induced martensite transformation behavior.
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