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Vol.39, No.12, 1399 ~ 1406, 2001
Mechanical Behaviors : Effect of σ Phase Precipitation on Fatigue Crack Propagation and AE Signals in Super Duplex Stainless Steels
도재윤J . Y . Do,이상기S . K . Lee,안석환S . H . Ahn,남기우K . W . Nam,강창용C . Y . Kang,박인덕I . D . Park
The fatigue crack propagation induced by σ phase precipitation of super duplex stainless steels aged at 600℃ was evaluated and the time-frequency analysis according to acoustic emission was conducted. The fracture mechanism by σ phase precipitation can be found from the time-frequency analysis of acoustic emission signals. As a result of aging at 600℃, the dispersed structure showed faster precipitation rate of σ phase than fibrous structure. The time-frequency analysis of acoustic emission signals obtained during the fatigue test revealed that, the specimens with non-precipitated σ phase induced a dominant frequency of 200∼300 ㎑ without any correlation with crack length. As the fatigue crack propagates (stage Ⅱ_c mode), the frequency range was in a high frequency range above 400 ㎑ in addition to frequency range of 200∼300 ㎑. On the other hand, the frequency range in the specimens with σ phase precipitated was not only 200∼300 ㎑ but also 400 ㎑ because of the fracture mechanism emanating high energy such as dimple fracture and separation of inclusion.
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