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Vol.39, No.12, 1375 ~ 1381, 2001
Mechanical Behaviors : A Study on the Flow Stress Compensation of Deformation Heating for Hot Forming Analysis
방원규W . Bang,정재영J . Y . Jung,장영원Y . W . Chang
Dynamic deformation of metallic materials mostly accompanies substantial amounts of deformation heating. Since the flow stress of deformation is sensitive to temperature, implication of heat due to plastic work is essential to the evaluation of constitutive relations. In this study, a series of compression tests were conducted for SAF 2507 super duplex stainless steel at various temperatures and strain rates. The accumulation of plastic work was integrated through conventional analytic method and numerical method proposed in this study. Subsequent logarithmic interpolation deduced isothermal flow surfaces, which were primary input data of finite element analysis. Two compensation methods showed definite difference in resulting flow stress, especially at high strain level, which mainly due to the underestimated strain hardening by conventional one. Simple closed die forging process was analyzed and optimized with commercial FEM code applying both raw and calibrated material database. The effect of accounting deformation heat was more noticeable in high-speed forming process.
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