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Vol.39, No.11, 1205 ~ 1212, 2001
Transformations : Analysis of Temperature and Phase Transformation History in Cooling Process of Hot Strip Rolling
한흥남Heung Nam Han,이재곤Jae Kon Lee,박성호Sung Ho Park,이경종Kyung Jong Lee,진영술Young Sool Jin,권오준Oh Joon Kwon
Temperature and phase transformation behaviour during cooling process in hot strip rolling is very important, because this determines the mechanical properties of hot-rolled steel products. This paper describes a development of a temperature calculation model based on the finite element method for a cooling process in hot strip rolling. The model was coupled with a thermodynamic analysis of Fe-C-Mn-Si system using a two-sublattice model and a phase transformation kinetics model using JMA equation and the additivity rule. Using the developed model, temperature and phase histories of hot-rolled steels on run-out table(ROT) and during air-cooling after coiling were calculated. From these analyses, suitable cooling pattern on ROT to produce quality hot coils such as TRIP and high carbon steels could be designed.
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