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Vol.39, No.10, 1152 ~ 1158, 2001
Environment : Effect of the Surface Morphology and Phase Volume Fraction on the Color of Oxide Layer in Steel Plate
유경종K . J . Yoo,박신화S . H . Park,이중주J . J . Lee,홍순태S . T . Hong,손병준B . J . Sohn
It was known that the color of Hematite(Fe₂O₃) is red, while Magnetite(Fe₃O₄) is dark blue. To clarify the origin of red color on the steel plate, the relationship between the volume fraction of oxide phases and the color of steel plate was investigated in this study. The volume fraction of Wu¨stite, Magnetite, and Hematite was quantitatively evaluated by a direct comparison X-ray method using crystal structure informations. Furthermore, the effect of volume fraction and the manufacturing process on the surface color of steel plate was investigated. It was found that FRT(final rolling temperature) played an important role on the plate color.
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