Mathematical Modeling ; LCF Life Prediction for Waspaloy in the Creep - Fatigue Interaction Regime
염종택Jong Taek Yeom,박노광Nho Kwang Park
This paper describes the empirical rule of strain rate modified linear accumulation of creep damage(SRM rule) for low-cycle fatigue(LCF) life prediction of Waspaloy in the creep-fatigue interaction regime and Chaboche type unified viscoplastic model predicting the stress-strain response in various cyclic loading conditions. The comparison of the experimental data and the predictions for strain controlled LCF tests carried out for various strain ranges at 600℃ and 650℃ was made. Chaboche type unified viscoplastic model described efficiently the inelastic deformation behavior during LCF tests. Crack-initiation lifing method to predict the material life was investigated with strain rate modification(SRM) rule. The application of SRM rule to LCF tests on Waspaloy indicated a good agreement between measured and predicted cycles to failure.