The effect of the sixth element(M = Co, In, Sn), as a substitution for Ni in Cu_(47)Ti_(33)Zr_(11)(Ni, M)_8Si₁ alloys, on the glass forming ability was examined using thermal analysis, X-ray diffractometry and TEM. Partial substitution of Ni with 2 at% In and Sn in Cu_(47)Ti_(33)Zr_(11)Ni_8Si₁ alloy enhanced the glass-forming ability. The maximum diameter for single amorphous phase formation in Cu_(47)Ti_(33)Zr_(11)Ni_8Sn₂Si₁ alloy by injection casting was 6 ㎜. Both amorphous alloys prepared by melt spinning and injection casting showed similar crystallization process during continuous heating in DSC. Co-relationship between variation of critical diameter for formation of an amorphous phase and that of parameters suggested to reflect glass-forming ability such as ΔT^*_m, T_(rg), ΔT_x, T_m-T_x, K parameter was examined. |