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Vol.39, No.1, 126 ~ 132, 2001
Fabrication of Mg - Ni Hydrogen Absorbing Alloy by Rotation - Cylinder Method and Evaluation of their Hydrogenation Properties
하원Won Ha,홍태환Tae Whan Hong,김명균Myoung Gyun Kim,김세광Shae Kwang Kim,김영직Young Jig Kim
Mg -1, 5, 10 mass%Ni hydrogen absorbing alloys were fabricated by Rotation-Cylinder Method(RCM) and their hydrogenation properties were evaluated by PCI(Pressure-Composition Isotherm) measurement. The microstructure of as-cast Mg-10mass%Ni alloy is consisted of an island-like hydride forming α-Mg phase and the eutectic phase. The composition of the eutectic phase is measured about 80 mass%Mg and 20 mass%Ni by EPMA. Nickel has a catalytic effect on hydrogen dissociated reaction and the eutectic phase is rich in nickel composition compared with a phase. So the eutectic phase may act as a hydrogen dissociation site and a channel of diffusion of protium. This microstructure may promote the hydrogenation behaviors. The results of the maximum hydrogen storage capacity and reversible capacity of Mg-10 mass%Ni alloy were measured about 6.3 mass% and 4 mass% at 623K, respectively.
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