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Vol.39, No.1, 59 ~ 66, 2001
Evaluation of Fracture Toughness through Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanical Analysis of Small Punch Test
주장복Jang Bog Ju,장재일Jae Il Jang,이백우Baik Woo Lee,권동일Dong Il Kwon
Small punch test is used to assess the reliability of industrial facilities such as fusion reactor structures and power generation systems. Conventional small punch tests evaluate transition temperature and fracture strain by analyzing the load-deflection curves and deformation behaviors, respectively. However, previous research did not consider fracture mechanical concepts such as flaw, stress analysis and fracture toughness. In this study, to obtain more reliable fracture characteristics based on linear elastic fracture mechanics in small punch tests, a pre-crack was introduced to small punch specimen. Stress and deformation behaviors near the crack tip were analyzed and the stress intensity factor was derived. Using the load at crack initiation point, the fracture toughness of SA 508 Cl.3 steel was successfully evaluated.
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