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Vol.39, No.3, 287 ~ 293, 2001
Research Paper / Mechaical Behavior : The Effect of Strain Rates on the Anomalous Temperature Dependence of Flow Stress in a Fe - 28 at . % A1 Alloy
송진화Jin Hwa Song,하태권Tae Kwon Ha,장영원Young Won Chang
Deformation behavior of a Fe-27.6 at.% Al alloy was investigated at various temperatures-ranging from 300℃ to 800℃, corresponding to ordered DO₃ and imperfectly ordered B2 phase fields. A series of load relaxation tests has been conducted to obtain the flow stress vs. inelastic strain rate curves and the results were analyzed to elucidate the effect of strain rate on the anomalous temperature dependence of strength. While the strain rate sensitivity was negligible at the temperatures corresponding to the DO₃ phase field and appeared to increase near the DO₃-B2 transition temperature, flow curves in the B2 phase field showed much higher values of strain rate sensitivities compared to that in DO₃ structure. Anomalous temperature dependence of flow stress became prominent with increasing strain rate higher than 10^(-5)/s. The peak strength was observed to shift to the lower temperatures with decreasing strain rate. It is expected that the different deformation mechanism and/or associated dislocations may be operating at the different levels of strain rate in the temperature range corresponding to the B2 phase field.
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