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Vol.38, No.12, 1684 ~ 1690, 2000
Study on the Thermodynamic Properties of Multicomponent Liquid Alloy Systems
김태규Tae Kyu Kim
To obtain the thermodynamic properties of a multicomponent liquid alloy system over the whole range of concentration at an arbitrary temperature, the free volume theory has been applied to derive the formula of activity coefficients of liquid solutions based on the infinitely dilute solutions. The Monte-Carlo algorithm was used to calculate the nonlinear end value equations of binary systems, and the free volume parameters obtained were directly correlated with the activity coefficients of liquid binary, ternary and quaternary at an arbitrary temperature. The activities of Pb-Sn alloy system calculated by this method were verified in good agreement with the experimental values from the literature, and the three dimensional diagrams of a-X-T representing the temperature and concentration dependence of activities were successfully plotted. The calculated activities of ternary and quaternary systems at an arbitrary temperature have been statistically examined with the experimental values from the literature. Hence, this simple approach could be useful for analyzing thermodynamic properties of liquid alloy systems.
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