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Vol.38, No.7, 935 ~ 939, 2000
Pesearch Paper / Electronic . Magnetic & Optical materials : Solid Phase Crystallization of LPCVD Amorphous Silicon Films by Nucleation Interface Control
황의훈Eui Hoon Hwang,정세진Sea Jin Jeong,문용승Yong Seung Moon,김용수Yong Soo Kim,노재상Jae Sang Ro
A novel method for the fabrication of poly-Si films with a large grain size is reported using solid phase crystallization(SPC) of LPCVD amorphous Si films by nucleation interface control. The reference films used in this study were 1000Å-thick a-Si films deposited at 500℃ at a total pressure of 0.35 Torr using Si₂H_6/He. Since the deposition condition changes the incubation time, i.e. nucleation rate, and since nucleation occurs dominantly at a-Si/SiO₂ interface, we devised the following deposition techniques for the first time in order to obtain the larger gain size. A very thin a-Si layer (∼50Å) with the deposition conditions having long incubation time is grown first and then the reference films(∼950Å) are grown successively. Various composite films with different combinations were tested. The crystallization kinetics of composite films was observed to be determined by the deposition conditions of a thin a-Si layer at the a-Si/SiO₂ interface. Nucleation interface was also observed to be modified by interrupted gas supply resulting in the enhancement of the grain size.
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