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Vol.38, No.7, 923 ~ 930, 2000
Pesearch Paper / Environment : Evaluation of the Corrosion and Mechanical Characteristics with Annealing of Zr - Nb Alloys for Fuel Claddings
이명호M . H . Lee,김현길H . G . Kim,윤영균Y . G . Yoon,정용환Y . H . Jeong
Effects of final annealing temperature on the corrosion and mechanical behavior, and microstructure were investigated for Zircaloy-4(Zr-1.3Sn-0.2Fe-0.1Cr), Alloy-1(Zr-0.4Nb-0.6Sn-0.4Fe-0.2Cu) and Alloy-2(Zr-1Nb). The corrosion tests were carried out in 360℃ water and 70 ppm LiOH solution in the static mini autoclaves. The mechanical tests were performed using the universal material test machine. The corrosion rate of Zircaloy-4 was not accelerated as the precipitates on Zircaloy-4 grew with the increase of annealing temperature after recrystallization. But the corrosion rate of Alloy-1 and 2 was accelerated due to the formation and growth of β-Zr phases with increasing the annealing temperature. Therefore, the corrosion resistance of the Zr-Nb alloy system could be improved by the control of heat treatment. It was also confirmed that the mechanical properties of Zr-based alloys were affected by the addition of alloying elements, the recrystallization, and the precipitation with annealing temperature.
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