
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.38, No.7, 905 ~ 911, 2000
Pesearch Paper / Powder Metallurgy : Effects of Graphite Content on the Wear Characteristics of Al / Graphite Alloy Composites
김홍물Hong Moule Kim,홍순직Soon Jik Hong,천병선Byong Sun Chun
In the present investigation, P/M method and extrusion process have been used to manufacture Al6061/graphite composite materials. The graphite particles were distributed uniformly within the Al6061 alloy matrix. The results showed that tensile properties and hardness of the composites reduced with increasing graphite volume and a comparison of experimental and calculated results was compatible to the tensile strength behavior. The wear behaviour of the 6061/graphite composites was also studied as a function of speed and distance with reference to different values of the matrix hardness. The obtained wear data were interpreted on the basis of the analysis of the surface and subsurface damage to the composites. As the hardness of the materials increased, their specific wear rate also decrease.
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