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Vol.38, No.6, 803 ~ 811, 2000
Pesearch Paper / Composite Materials : Characteristics of Squeeze Cast AM60 Mg Composites Reinforced with AISI 304 Wires ( Part 2 ) : Multiple Necking Phenomena and Mechanism of Reinforcement Wires
김재중Jae Joong Kim,김낙준Nack J . Kim
The multiple-necking phenomenon and mechanism of reinforcement wires in AM60 Mg composites reinforced with AISI 304 wires has been investigated in the present study. AM60 Mg composite reinforced with AISI 304 wires exhibits ductility greater than the ductility of wire itself due to the occurrence of multiple-necking along the length of wire. As the volume fraction of AISI 304 wires decreases, the number of wire necking and the ductility of composites increase. It has been shown that the multiple-necking phenomenon is closely related to wires necking, interface reaction, and volume fraction of reinforcement. This phenomenon is also related to diameter of wires, strain rate, structure of metal, and interface strength. The multiple-necking results from local strain hardening of the matrix surrounding the neck, enabling the matrix to decrease neck growth by attraction force. Because multiple-necking plays an important role in the ductility and deformation behavior of composite, further works is needed to characterize the causes of this phenomenon in other metal/metal composites system.
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