Effect of Ion Damage of Pt Bottom Electrode on the Selective Nucleation of PZT Thin Films
박응철Eung Chul Park,이장식Jang Sik Lee,박정호Jung Ho Park,이병일Byung Il Lee,주승기Seung Ki Joo
Effects of Ar ion damage of Pt bottom electrodes on selective nucleation and growth of PZT thin films have been investigated. As the degree of damage on the Pt bottom electrode increased by increasing the acceleration voltage in the ion mass doping system, PZT thin films on Pt electrode lose their (111) preferred orientation and incubation time for phase transformation from pyrochlore to perovskite structure was increased. 40 ㎛×40 ㎛ square shaped single grain array of PZT thin films could be obtained utilizing the difference of incubation time of damaged and undamaged region of Pt bottom electrodes. Single grained PZT thin films show low leakage current density of 1×10^(-7) A/㎠ and high breakdown field of 440 ㎸/㎝. The loss of remanent polarization after 10^(11) cycles was less than 15% of initial value.